Granado Espada

Andromida Granado Espada
Andromida GE - v36.87.94
Last update

Last 10 News

Date ▴
20240625Jun 25, 2024
20240521May 21, 2024
20240517May 17, 2024 Updated all the Items database.
20240515May 15, 2024 Fixed Search Engine where map's drop was not displayed.
20240430Apr 30, 2024 Performed weekly update(s): Discord: GE Andromida > changelogs > [EN] 30-04-24
20240424Apr 24, 2024
20240416Apr 16, 2024 Performed weekly update(s): Discord: GE Andromida > changelogs > [EN] 16-04-24
20240409Apr 09, 2024 Performed weekly update(s): Discord: GE Andromida > changelogs > [EN] 09-04-24
20240402Apr 02, 2024
20240319Mar 19, 2024

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