Granado Espada

Classique Granado Espada
Classique GE - v2.0.0
Last update

Raids & Bosses Index

Dekaravia Undead 70 Old Port of Coimbra
Diablo Demon 100 Pradera de Ceniza
Dream Blade Antelope Wildlife 100 Via Fluvial, Deprimida Valley
Elmorc Human 100 Katovic Snowfield, Frozen Plain
Gerero Demon 100 Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
Gulfaxi Undead 100 Capybara Plantation, Mine Passage, Tubkal Mine
Hell Valley Demon 100 El Canon de Diabolica
Hellbreaker Lifeless 100 Tubkal Mine
Rafflesia Wildlife 100 Zona Uno
Soul Mothtein Human 100 Joaquin, Torture Chamber
Gate of Flame Lifeless 108 Whirlpool of Flame
Gate of lightning Demon 110 Silent Maze Sanctuary
Griffon Wildlife 110 Vegas Javier
Vergo The Cursed Human 110 Porto Bello, Desolate Cliff
Rod of Mueletos Undead 110 Tierra de los Muertos
Avalanche Revenant Undead 114 Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
Novia Human 120 The Ice Wizard's tower
Sekhmet Golem 135 Inside Crater
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