Light, silver ore specially available at Granado Espada continent. Many items are made from this refined ore. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Liquid which contains various ingredients. Contains untold power.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Strata Devil Rifle (Event)
- Strata Devil Rod (Event)
- Strata Devil Rosario (Event)
- Strata Devil Pendant (Event)
- Strata Devil Controller (Event)
- Strata Devil Hammer (Event)
- Strata Devil Tonfa (Event)
- Strata Devil Crescent (Event)
- Strata Devil Javelin (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet (Event)
- Strata Devil Knuckle (Event)
- Strata Devil Leg-Guards (Event)
- Strata Devil Rapier (Event)
- Strata Devil Pistol (Event)
- Strata Devil Shield (Event)
- Strata Devil Polearm (Event)
- Strata Devil Dagger (Event)
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche (Event)
- Strata Devil Sabre (Event)
- Strata Devil Slayer (Event)
- Strata Devil Cannon (Event)
- Strata Devil Shotgun (Event)
- Strata Devil Lute (Event)
- Strata Devil Sword (Event)
- Strata Devil Bayonet (Event)
- Strata Devil Blunt (Event)
- Strata Devil Staff (Event)
- Strata Devil Crossbow (Event)
- Red Serpent Robe
- Red Serpent Coat (No Use)
- Red Serpent Coat
- Red Serpent Leather Armor (No Use)
- Red Serpent Leather Armor
- Red Serpent Plate
- Broom of Little Witch
- Deprodine Rifle
- Deprodine Bracelet
- Defrodain Rod
- Deprodine Sword
Ancient Rune - An
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis
Known Uses
- Naiads (Event)
- Heavenly Locket (Event)
- Ice of Sualocin (Event)
- Fire of Palermo (Event)
- Balance of Libra (Event)
- Howling of Callisto (Event)
- Delusion of Karas (Event)
- Relief of Deneb (Event)
- Intuition of Al Rischa (Event)
- Leadership of Hamal (Event)
- Disdain of Spica (Event)
- Altairs Cunning (Event)
- Impulse of Algedi (Event)
- Heavenly Locket
- Naiads
- Ice of Sualocin
- Fire of Palermo
- Balance of Libra
- Howling of Callisto
- Dullahan Shield
- Dullahan Sword
- Werebear Morning Star
- Werebear Mace
- Kobolt Torch
- Kobolt Axe
- Kobolt Dagger
- Delusion of Karas
- Relief of Deneb
- Intuition of Al Rischa
- Leadership of Hamal
- Disdain of Spica
- Altairs Cunning
- Impulse of Algedi
Ancient Rune - Ar
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis
Known Uses
- Hestia (Event)
- Heavenly Marionette (Event)
- Control of Ophiuchus (Event)
- Lightening of Rotanev (Event)
- The Delphinus (Event)
- Wits of Gemini (Event)
- Blunder of Lykaon (Event)
- Accuracy of Pegasus (Event)
- Judgement of Bennu (Event)
- Riposte of Arachne (Event)
- Insight of Antares (Event)
- Will of Acubens (Event)
- Tempest of Aquarius (Event)
- Passion of Regulus (Event)
- Purity of Aldebaran (Event)
- Heavenly Marionette
- Judgment of Bennu
- Kurenai
- Hestia
- Lightning of Rotanev
- The Delphinus
- Wits of Gemini
- Blunder of Lykaon
- Dullahan Claymore
- Dullahan Pistol
- Dullahan Halberd
- Werebear Cannon
- Werebear Poleaxe
- Kobolt Shield
- Kobolt Bone Sabre
- Kobolt Sword
- Accuracy of Pegasus
- Judgment of Bennu
- Riposte of Arachne
- Insight of Antares
- Will of Acubens
- Tempest of Aquarius
- Passion of Regulus
- Purity of Aldebaran
Ancient Rune - Te
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis
Known Uses
- Naiads (Event)
- Heavenly Locket (Event)
- Ice of Sualocin (Event)
- Fire of Palermo (Event)
- Balance of Libra (Event)
- Howling of Callisto (Event)
- Delusion of Karas (Event)
- Relief of Deneb (Event)
- Intuition of Al Rischa (Event)
- Leadership of Hamal (Event)
- Disdain of Spica (Event)
- Altairs Cunning (Event)
- Impulse of Algedi (Event)
- Heavenly Locket
- Naiads
- Ice of Sualocin
- Fire of Palermo
- Balance of Libra
- Howling of Callisto
- Delusion of Karas
- Relief of Deneb
- Intuition of Al Rischa
- Leadership of Hamal
- Disdain of Spica
- Altairs Cunning
- Impulse of Algedi
Ancient Rune - Ti
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis
Known Uses
- Hestia (Event)
- Heavenly Marionette (Event)
- Control of Ophiuchus (Event)
- Lightening of Rotanev (Event)
- The Delphinus (Event)
- Wits of Gemini (Event)
- Blunder of Lykaon (Event)
- Accuracy of Pegasus (Event)
- Judgement of Bennu (Event)
- Riposte of Arachne (Event)
- Insight of Antares (Event)
- Will of Acubens (Event)
- Tempest of Aquarius (Event)
- Passion of Regulus (Event)
- Purity of Aldebaran (Event)
- Heavenly Marionette
- Judgment of Bennu
- Kurenai
- Hestia
- Lightning of Rotanev
- The Delphinus
- Wits of Gemini
- Blunder of Lykaon
- Accuracy of Pegasus
- Judgment of Bennu
- Riposte of Arachne
- Insight of Antares
- Will of Acubens
- Tempest of Aquarius
- Passion of Regulus
- Purity of Aldebaran
Arbremons Shell
Seed of Arbremon. The material grants the magic power to [Strata Devil Rosario, Strata Devil Leg-Guards, Strata Devil Knuckle].
Sell: 1 Vis
Armonia Coin
A coin manufactured and distributed in Armonia. You may be absolved by bringing them in bulk.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Armonia Metal Armor [Event]
- Armonia Robe Armor [Event]
- Armonia Coat Armor [Event]
- Armonia Leather Armor [Event]
- Abyss Cannon [Event]
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Mace [Event]
- Abyss Grimoire [Event]
- Abyss Record Book [Event]
- Abyss Special Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Flame Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Freezing Bangle [Event]
- Abyss Crescent [Event]
- Abyss Crossbow [Event]
- Abyss Cube [Event]
- Abyss Dagger [Event]
- Abyss Slayer [Event]
- Abyss Craft [Event]
- Abyss Legguard [Event]
- Abyss Lute [Event]
- Abyss Main-gauche [Event]
- Abyss Pistol [Event]
- Abyss Polearm [Event]
- Abyss Rapier [Event]
- Abyss Destruction Rifle [Event]
- Abyss Bayonet [Event]
- Abyss Broomstick [Event]
- Abyss Rod [Event]
- Abyss Sabre [Event]
- Abyss Shield [Event]
- Abyss Shotgun [Event]
- Abyss Wand [Event]
- Abyss Blade [Event]
- Abyss Tonfa [Event]
- Abyss Javelin [Event]
- Abyss Knuckle [Event]
- Armonia Crossbow
- Abyss Mace
- Abyss Grimore
- Abyss Record Book
- Abyss Cannon
- Abyss Crescent
- Abyss Crossbow
- Abyss Cube
- Abyss Nife
- Abyss Special Bracelet
- Abyss Flame Bracelet
- Abyss Destruction Rifle
- Abyss Freezing Bangle
- Abyss Javelin
- Abyss Knuckle
- Abyss Leg-Guards
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet
- Abyss Lute
- Abyss Main-Gauche
- Abyss Pistol
- Abyss Polearm
- Abyss Rapier
- Abyss Bayonet
- Abyss Broom Stick
- Abyss Rod
- Abyss Sabre
- Abys Shield
- Abyss Shotgun
- Abyss Wand
- Abyss Blade
- Abyss Slayer
- Abyss Tonfa
- Abyss Craft
- Armonia Rosario
- Armonia Controller
- Armonia Pendant
- Armonia Hammer
- Armonia Magic Diary
- Armonia Shield
- Armonia Sabre
- Armonia Shotgun
- Armonia Cannon
- Armonia Rifle
- Armonia Blunt
- Armonia Crossbow
- Armonia Main-gauche
- Armonia Staff
- Armonia Rod
- Armonia Javelin
- Armonia Polearm
- Armonia Elemental Bracelet
- Armonia Lute
- Armonia Sword
- Armonia Ice Bracelet
- Armonia Lightning Bracelet
- Armonia Fire Bracelet
- Armonia Tonfa
- Armonia Leguard
- Armonia Knuckle
- Armonia Rapier
- Armonia Crescent
- Armonia Slayer
- Armonia Pistol
- Armonia Dagger
- Armonia Metal Armor
- Armonia Robe Armor
- Armonia Coat Armor
- Armonia Coat Armor
- Armonia Leather Armor
- Armonia Leather Armor
Armor Exchange Ticket II
Used as a crafting material for armor recipes
Sell: 2 750 Vis
Known Uses
- Armonia Metal Armor [Event]
- Armonia Robe Armor [Event]
- Armonia Coat Armor [Event]
- Armonia Leather Armor [Event]
- Valeron Robe [Event]
- Valeron Coat [Event]
- Valeron Leather Armor [Event]
- Valeron Metal Armor [Event]
- Valeron Robe
- Valeron Coat
- Valeron Leather Armor
- Valeron Metal Armor
- Armonia Metal Armor
- Armonia Robe Armor
- Armonia Coat Armor
- Armonia Coat Armor
- Armonia Leather Armor
- Armonia Leather Armor
Black Armonium Ore
Black Armonium Ore. Its original color was blue, but it discolored owing to Abyss Energy.
Sell: 1 Vis
Blue Armonium Ore
A bluish Armonium ore. It has an indescribable beauty and the strong power of purification.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Armonia Metal Armor [Event]
- Armonia Robe Armor [Event]
- Armonia Coat Armor [Event]
- Armonia Leather Armor [Event]
- Abyss Cannon [Event]
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Mace [Event]
- Abyss Grimoire [Event]
- Abyss Record Book [Event]
- Abyss Special Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Flame Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Freezing Bangle [Event]
- Abyss Crescent [Event]
- Abyss Crossbow [Event]
- Abyss Cube [Event]
- Abyss Dagger [Event]
- Abyss Slayer [Event]
- Abyss Craft [Event]
- Abyss Legguard [Event]
- Abyss Lute [Event]
- Abyss Main-gauche [Event]
- Abyss Pistol [Event]
- Abyss Polearm [Event]
- Abyss Rapier [Event]
- Abyss Destruction Rifle [Event]
- Abyss Bayonet [Event]
- Abyss Broomstick [Event]
- Abyss Rod [Event]
- Abyss Sabre [Event]
- Abyss Shield [Event]
- Abyss Shotgun [Event]
- Abyss Wand [Event]
- Abyss Blade [Event]
- Abyss Tonfa [Event]
- Abyss Javelin [Event]
- Abyss Knuckle [Event]
- Armonia Crossbow
- Blue Valeron Dagger
- Blue Valeron Heavy Rifle
- Abyss Mace
- Abyss Grimore
- Abyss Record Book
- Abyss Cannon
- Abyss Crescent
- Abyss Crossbow
- Abyss Cube
- Abyss Nife
- Abyss Special Bracelet
- Abyss Flame Bracelet
- Abyss Destruction Rifle
- Abyss Freezing Bangle
- Abyss Javelin
- Abyss Knuckle
- Abyss Leg-Guards
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet
- Abyss Lute
- Abyss Main-Gauche
- Abyss Pistol
- Abyss Polearm
- Abyss Rapier
- Abyss Bayonet
- Abyss Broom Stick
- Abyss Rod
- Abyss Sabre
- Abys Shield
- Abyss Shotgun
- Abyss Wand
- Abyss Blade
- Abyss Slayer
- Abyss Tonfa
- Abyss Craft
- Armonia Rosario
- Armonia Controller
- Armonia Pendant
- Armonia Hammer
- Armonia Magic Diary
- Armonia Shield
- Armonia Sabre
- Armonia Shotgun
- Armonia Cannon
- Armonia Rifle
- Armonia Blunt
- Armonia Crossbow
- Armonia Main-gauche
- Armonia Staff
- Armonia Rod
- Armonia Javelin
- Armonia Polearm
- Armonia Elemental Bracelet
- Armonia Lute
- Armonia Sword
- Armonia Ice Bracelet
- Armonia Lightning Bracelet
- Armonia Fire Bracelet
- Armonia Tonfa
- Armonia Leguard
- Armonia Knuckle
- Armonia Rapier
- Armonia Crescent
- Armonia Slayer
- Armonia Pistol
- Armonia Dagger
- Armonia Metal Armor
- Armonia Robe Armor
- Armonia Coat Armor
- Armonia Coat Armor
- Armonia Leather Armor
- Armonia Leather Armor
Blue Arsene Circus Ticket
A material to make a unique Ranged Weapon for Chateau de Bourgogne.
Sell: 2 750 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Talt | 200 |
Pure Otite | 15 |
Shiny Crystal | 600 |
Blueprint of Masterpiece Diary
1 sheet of Blueprints needed for creating Masterpiece Diary
Sell: 110 Vis
Known Uses
Blueprint of Masterpiece Encyclopedia
1 sheet of Blueprints needed for creating Masterpiece Encyclopedia
Sell: 110 Vis
Known Uses
Branches of Mantra
Used for Mantras important hands. Its the material to compose the barrel of [Strata Devil Cannon, Strata Devil Main-Gauche, Strata Devil Dagger].
Sell: 1 Vis
Bulk Coal
This is where fuel comes from. This can be used to produce steel. With selling them to Market, you can obtain Vis.
Sell: 41 Vis
Known Uses
Red ore found in Camellia Thea. Used as a catalyst for ancient weapons.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Stellas Nobility
- Stellas Blessing
- Stellas Enthusiasm
- Stellas Judgement
- Stellas Valor
- Stellas Purity
- Atlas Gaze
- Atlas Strength
- Atlas Salvation
- Atlas Brutality
- Atlas Ferocity
- Atlas Dignity
- Atlas Weight
- Ordens Lament
- Ordens Dedication
- Ordens Hatred
- Ordens Destruction
- Ordens Tear
- Ordens Oblivion
- Ordens Breath
- Chloes Wisdom
- Chloes Riddle
- Chloes Affection
- Chloes Wish
- Chloes Melody
- Chloes Insight
- Charlottes Faith
- Charlottes Passion
- Charlottes Agony
- Charlottes Raid
- Charlottes Patience
- Charlottes Sharpness
- Charlottes Smile
Cast Iron
Metal made by pouring melted iron into a mold. Density of metal is a bit lowered, but it can be shaped more easily.
Sell: 275 Vis
Composite Steel
Strong metal made of iron and coal. It is the main material used in short weapons and armor.
Sell: 330 Vis
Known Uses
- Santuario Metal Armor Costume
- Strata Devil Plate Costume
- Fate of Castilla Costume
- Platinum Pendant
- Platinum Controller
- Hammer of Barsene
- Elegant Rose
- Star Knuckle
- Katana
- Nodachi
- Glove of Selva
- Ogre Orb
- Ogre Shotgun
- Ogre Pole-axe
- Ogre Blade
- Ogre Long Sword
- Ogre Sword
- Elite Metallic Suit
- Elite Bone Frame Armor
- Elite Schvarlier Armor
Copper piece
Polished copper piece. It is very malleable and sensitive to even small forces. It can be easily changed into different things. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 13 Vis
Known Uses
Corazon Crystal
The Mind crystal made by specially refining Dazzling Corazon fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Corazon crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Ancient Gold Relic | 50 |
Elemental Jewel | 1 |
Dazzling Corazon Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Mind | 4 |
Enchantment Chip Master | 10 |
Known Uses
Corazon Fragment
The Mind crystal made by specially refining some ore containing Mind Energy. Its the basic material necessary to make Refined Corazon Fragment.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Gold piece | 50 |
Silver Bar | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.92 | 20 |
Known Uses
Core of Auto Baron
Key part of all the thinking of Auto Baron Its the material to make [Strata Devil Shield, Strata Devil Controller, Strata Devil Pendant, Strata Devil Hammer].
Sell: 1 Vis
Cortes Will
Jewel which fell from Cortes body. Its the material to increase the strength of [Strata Devil Sabre, Strata Devil Mace, Strata Devil Crescent, Strata Devil Tonfa, Strata Devil Slayer].
Sell: 1 Vis
Crest of Dark Knight
A crest of the dark knight. Dark energy and tenacity can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Abyss Cannon [Event]
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Mace [Event]
- Abyss Grimoire [Event]
- Abyss Record Book [Event]
- Abyss Special Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Flame Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Freezing Bangle [Event]
- Abyss Crescent [Event]
- Abyss Crossbow [Event]
- Abyss Cube [Event]
- Abyss Dagger [Event]
- Abyss Slayer [Event]
- Abyss Craft [Event]
- Abyss Legguard [Event]
- Abyss Lute [Event]
- Abyss Main-gauche [Event]
- Abyss Pistol [Event]
- Abyss Polearm [Event]
- Abyss Rapier [Event]
- Abyss Destruction Rifle [Event]
- Abyss Bayonet [Event]
- Abyss Broomstick [Event]
- Abyss Rod [Event]
- Abyss Sabre [Event]
- Abyss Shield [Event]
- Abyss Shotgun [Event]
- Abyss Wand [Event]
- Abyss Blade [Event]
- Abyss Tonfa [Event]
- Abyss Javelin [Event]
- Abyss Knuckle [Event]
- Armonia Crossbow
- Abyss Mace
- Abyss Grimore
- Abyss Record Book
- Abyss Cannon
- Abyss Crescent
- Abyss Crossbow
- Abyss Cube
- Abyss Nife
- Abyss Special Bracelet
- Abyss Flame Bracelet
- Abyss Destruction Rifle
- Abyss Freezing Bangle
- Abyss Javelin
- Abyss Knuckle
- Abyss Leg-Guards
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet
- Abyss Lute
- Abyss Main-Gauche
- Abyss Pistol
- Abyss Polearm
- Abyss Rapier
- Abyss Bayonet
- Abyss Broom Stick
- Abyss Rod
- Abyss Sabre
- Abys Shield
- Abyss Shotgun
- Abyss Wand
- Abyss Blade
- Abyss Slayer
- Abyss Tonfa
- Abyss Craft
- Armonia Rosario
- Armonia Controller
- Armonia Pendant
- Armonia Hammer
- Armonia Magic Diary
- Armonia Shield
- Armonia Sabre
- Armonia Shotgun
- Armonia Cannon
- Armonia Rifle
- Armonia Blunt
- Armonia Crossbow
- Armonia Main-gauche
- Armonia Staff
- Armonia Rod
- Armonia Javelin
- Armonia Polearm
- Armonia Elemental Bracelet
- Armonia Lute
- Armonia Sword
- Armonia Ice Bracelet
- Armonia Lightning Bracelet
- Armonia Fire Bracelet
- Armonia Tonfa
- Armonia Leguard
- Armonia Knuckle
- Armonia Rapier
- Armonia Crescent
- Armonia Slayer
- Armonia Pistol
- Armonia Dagger
Crest of Sacred Knight
A crest of the sacred knight. Sanctity and tenacity can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Abyss Cannon [Event]
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Mace [Event]
- Abyss Grimoire [Event]
- Abyss Record Book [Event]
- Abyss Special Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Flame Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Freezing Bangle [Event]
- Abyss Crescent [Event]
- Abyss Crossbow [Event]
- Abyss Cube [Event]
- Abyss Dagger [Event]
- Abyss Slayer [Event]
- Abyss Craft [Event]
- Abyss Legguard [Event]
- Abyss Lute [Event]
- Abyss Main-gauche [Event]
- Abyss Pistol [Event]
- Abyss Polearm [Event]
- Abyss Rapier [Event]
- Abyss Destruction Rifle [Event]
- Abyss Bayonet [Event]
- Abyss Broomstick [Event]
- Abyss Rod [Event]
- Abyss Sabre [Event]
- Abyss Shield [Event]
- Abyss Shotgun [Event]
- Abyss Wand [Event]
- Abyss Blade [Event]
- Abyss Tonfa [Event]
- Abyss Javelin [Event]
- Abyss Knuckle [Event]
- Armonia Crossbow
- Abyss Mace
- Abyss Grimore
- Abyss Record Book
- Abyss Cannon
- Abyss Crescent
- Abyss Crossbow
- Abyss Cube
- Abyss Nife
- Abyss Special Bracelet
- Abyss Flame Bracelet
- Abyss Destruction Rifle
- Abyss Freezing Bangle
- Abyss Javelin
- Abyss Knuckle
- Abyss Leg-Guards
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet
- Abyss Lute
- Abyss Main-Gauche
- Abyss Pistol
- Abyss Polearm
- Abyss Rapier
- Abyss Bayonet
- Abyss Broom Stick
- Abyss Rod
- Abyss Sabre
- Abys Shield
- Abyss Shotgun
- Abyss Wand
- Abyss Blade
- Abyss Slayer
- Abyss Tonfa
- Abyss Craft
- Armonia Rosario
- Armonia Controller
- Armonia Pendant
- Armonia Hammer
- Armonia Magic Diary
- Armonia Shield
- Armonia Sabre
- Armonia Shotgun
- Armonia Cannon
- Armonia Rifle
- Armonia Blunt
- Armonia Crossbow
- Armonia Main-gauche
- Armonia Staff
- Armonia Rod
- Armonia Javelin
- Armonia Polearm
- Armonia Elemental Bracelet
- Armonia Lute
- Armonia Sword
- Armonia Ice Bracelet
- Armonia Lightning Bracelet
- Armonia Fire Bracelet
- Armonia Tonfa
- Armonia Leguard
- Armonia Knuckle
- Armonia Rapier
- Armonia Crescent
- Armonia Slayer
- Armonia Pistol
- Armonia Dagger
Crest of Sacred Priest
A crest of the sacred priest. Sanctity and softness can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Abyss Cannon [Event]
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Mace [Event]
- Abyss Grimoire [Event]
- Abyss Record Book [Event]
- Abyss Special Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Flame Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Freezing Bangle [Event]
- Abyss Crescent [Event]
- Abyss Crossbow [Event]
- Abyss Cube [Event]
- Abyss Dagger [Event]
- Abyss Slayer [Event]
- Abyss Craft [Event]
- Abyss Legguard [Event]
- Abyss Lute [Event]
- Abyss Main-gauche [Event]
- Abyss Pistol [Event]
- Abyss Polearm [Event]
- Abyss Rapier [Event]
- Abyss Destruction Rifle [Event]
- Abyss Bayonet [Event]
- Abyss Broomstick [Event]
- Abyss Rod [Event]
- Abyss Sabre [Event]
- Abyss Shield [Event]
- Abyss Shotgun [Event]
- Abyss Wand [Event]
- Abyss Blade [Event]
- Abyss Tonfa [Event]
- Abyss Javelin [Event]
- Abyss Knuckle [Event]
- Armonia Crossbow
- Abyss Mace
- Abyss Grimore
- Abyss Record Book
- Abyss Cannon
- Abyss Crescent
- Abyss Crossbow
- Abyss Cube
- Abyss Nife
- Abyss Special Bracelet
- Abyss Flame Bracelet
- Abyss Destruction Rifle
- Abyss Freezing Bangle
- Abyss Javelin
- Abyss Knuckle
- Abyss Leg-Guards
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet
- Abyss Lute
- Abyss Main-Gauche
- Abyss Pistol
- Abyss Polearm
- Abyss Rapier
- Abyss Bayonet
- Abyss Broom Stick
- Abyss Rod
- Abyss Sabre
- Abys Shield
- Abyss Shotgun
- Abyss Wand
- Abyss Blade
- Abyss Slayer
- Abyss Tonfa
- Abyss Craft
- Armonia Rosario
- Armonia Controller
- Armonia Pendant
- Armonia Hammer
- Armonia Magic Diary
- Armonia Shield
- Armonia Sabre
- Armonia Shotgun
- Armonia Cannon
- Armonia Rifle
- Armonia Blunt
- Armonia Crossbow
- Armonia Main-gauche
- Armonia Staff
- Armonia Rod
- Armonia Javelin
- Armonia Polearm
- Armonia Elemental Bracelet
- Armonia Lute
- Armonia Sword
- Armonia Ice Bracelet
- Armonia Lightning Bracelet
- Armonia Fire Bracelet
- Armonia Tonfa
- Armonia Leguard
- Armonia Knuckle
- Armonia Rapier
- Armonia Crescent
- Armonia Slayer
- Armonia Pistol
- Armonia Dagger
Dark Insignia
Insignia of Dark. Gathering 4 attribute of Insignia and can release the seal Island of Fire and Seal of Crater.
Sell: 1 Vis
Dazzling Corazon Fragment
The Mind crystal made by specially refining shiny Corazon fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Corazon crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Etretanium | 200 |
Moon Stone | 1 |
Shiny Corazon Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Mind | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Expert | 20 |
Known Uses
Dazzling Holy Water Fragment
The Water crystal made by specially refining shiny Holy Water fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Holy Water crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Quartz | 200 |
Moon Stone | 1 |
Shiny Holy Water Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Water | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Expert | 20 |
Known Uses
Dazzling Otite Fragment
The Wind crystal made by specially refining shiny Otite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Otite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Aidanium | 200 |
Moon Stone | 1 |
Shiny Otite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Wind | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Expert | 20 |
Known Uses
Dazzling Petrified Gas Fragment
The Earth crystal made by specially refining shiny Petrified Gas fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Petrified Gas crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Ionium | 200 |
Moon Stone | 1 |
Shiny Petrified Gas Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Land | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Expert | 20 |
Known Uses
Dazzling Rhodolite Fragment
The Fire crystal made by specially refining shiny Rhodolite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Rhodolite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Talt | 200 |
Moon Stone | 1 |
Shiny Rhodolite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Fire | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Expert | 20 |
Known Uses
Devils Dream
A jewel refined through alchemy. It is infused with the power of ancient devils. This is an important material for [Strata Devil] weapons and armors.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Robe
- Strata Devil Plate
- Strata Devil Crossbow
- Strata Devil Staff
- Strata Devil Blunt
- Strata Devil Bayonet
- Strata Devil Sword
- Strata Devil Lute
- Strata Devil Shotgun
- Strata Devil Cannon
- Strata Devil Slayer
- Strata Devil Sabre
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche
- Strata Devil Dagger
- Strata Devil Polearm
- Strata Devil Shield
- Strata Devil Pistol
- Strata Devil Rapier
- Strata Devil Leg-Guard
- Strata Devil Knuckle
- Strata Devil Bracelet
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning
- Strata Devil Javelin
- Strata Devil Crescent
- Strata Devil Tonfa
- Strata Devil Hammer
- Strata Devil Controller
- Strata Devil Pendant
- Strata Devil Rosario
- Strata Devil Rod
- Strata Devil Rifle
- Strata Devil Rifle (Event)
- Strata Devil Rod (Event)
- Strata Devil Rosario (Event)
- Strata Devil Pendant (Event)
- Strata Devil Controller (Event)
- Strata Devil Hammer (Event)
- Strata Devil Tonfa (Event)
- Strata Devil Crescent (Event)
- Strata Devil Javelin (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet (Event)
- Strata Devil Knuckle (Event)
- Strata Devil Leg-Guards (Event)
- Strata Devil Rapier (Event)
- Strata Devil Pistol (Event)
- Strata Devil Shield (Event)
- Strata Devil Polearm (Event)
- Strata Devil Dagger (Event)
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche (Event)
- Strata Devil Sabre (Event)
- Strata Devil Slayer (Event)
- Strata Devil Cannon (Event)
- Strata Devil Shotgun (Event)
- Strata Devil Lute (Event)
- Strata Devil Sword (Event)
- Strata Devil Bayonet (Event)
- Strata Devil Blunt (Event)
- Strata Devil Staff (Event)
- Strata Devil Crossbow (Event)
- Broom of Little Witch
Dragon Heart
The ultimate Diamond, nicknamed Dragon Heart. Rare item.
Sell: 165 000 Vis
Item | # |
Heart of Archangel | 1 |
Seed of Yggdrasil | 1 |
Scale of Siren | 1 |
Shiny Crystal | 800 |
Known Uses
- Dazzling Corazon Crystal
- Aquamarine of Purity
- Amethyst of Awakening
- Carnelian of Delight
- Ruby of Passion
- Pearl of Excellence
- Emerald of Mystery
- Tourmaline of Dominance
- Sapphire of Concentration
- Agate of Blast
- Lapis Lazuli of Accuracy
- Topaz of Influence
- Opal of Precision
- Jasper of Aggression
- Peridot of Defiant
- Azulita of Speed
- Spinel of Sharpness
- Garnet of Nature
- Obsidian of Destruction
- Moonstone of Harmony
- Malachite of Sublimity
- Jade of Patience
- Diamond of Perfection
- Knowledge of Mechanism
- Assembly Logic Bangle
- Iceberg Bangle
- Pyrite Bangle
- Screw Bolt Crossbow
- Jaspards Rifling Revolver
- Miquiret Steam Bayonet
- Rays Anchor Knuckle
- Dagger Symmetric
- Duel Structure Dagger
- Highlander Claymore
- Grear Gimmick of Scimitar
- Sword of Exmachina
- Gluttony Leg-Guard
- The Axe of Lie
- The Revolver of Revenge
- The Rod of Pride
- Insincere Blade
- Sabre of Trooper
- The Tonfa of Wrath
- The Rapier of Imitator
- The Crossbow of Apostate
- Lust Bracelet
- Crime Shotgun
- The Crescent of Avenger
- The Dagger of Greed
- The Knuckle of Temptation
- Unlawful Bayonet
- The Hammer of Sloth
- The Canon of Detractor
- Soul Zweihander
- Rod of Recluse
- Bracelet of Empress
- Lute of Fortune
- Shotgun of World
- Crossbow of Temperance
- Cannon of Chariot
- Revolver of Justice
- Rifle of Highrophant
- Death of Wraith
- Sabre of Devil
- Javelin of Tower
- Leg-Guards of Hanged Man
- Dagger of Lovers
- Sword of Strength
- Hammer of Judgment
- Rapier of Highpriestess
- Feast of Emperor
- Sort of Fool
- Dragonic Shield
- Dragonic Bracelet
- Dragonic Staff
- Dragonic Rod
- Dragonic Bowgun
- Dragonic Shotgun
- Dragonic Revolver
- Dragonic Rifle
- Dragonic Javelin
- Dragonic Hammer
- Dragonic Dagger
- Dragonic Spear
- Dragonic Sword
- Dragonic Sabre
- Dragonic Rapier
- Dragonic Blade
- Platinum Pendant
- Platinum Controller
- Hammer of Barsene
- General Plate
- Eye of Veilant
- Tormento
- Marcia Pole Axe
- Fate of Castilla
- Greek Croma Robe
- Greek Croma (No Use)
- Greek Croma Coat
- Greek Croma (No Use)
- Greek Croma Leather Armor
- Elite Ruidestencia
- Elite Deinclian
- Elite Clarcana
- Elite Variltorta
- Elite Arcanero Plate
- Elite Le Noir Robe
- Elite Le Noir Coat (No Use)
- Elite Le Noir Coat
- Elite Le Noir Leather Armor (No Use)
- Elite Le Noir Leather Armor
- Elite Le Blanc Robe
- Elite Le Blanc Coat
- Le Blanc Leather Armor (No Use)
- Le Blanc Coat (No Use)
- Elite Le Blanc Leather Armor
- Deprodine Rifle
- Deprodine Bracelet
- Defrodain Rod
- Deprodine Sword
- Elite Schvarlier Armor
Elemental Jewel
A valuable Gem crafted by melding together the elemental crystals of Fire, Ice and Lightning.
Sell: 10 000 001 Vis
Known Uses
- Valeron Robe [Event]
- Valeron Coat [Event]
- Valeron Leather Armor [Event]
- Valeron Metal Armor [Event]
- Valeron Dagger
- Valeron Pistol
- Valeron Slayer
- Valeron Crescent
- Valeron Rapier
- Valeron Knuckle
- Valeron Leg-Guard
- Valeron Tonfa
- Valeron Fire Bracelet
- Valeron Lightning Bracelet
- Valeron Ice Bracelet
- Valeron Sword
- Valeron Lute
- Valeron Special Bracelet
- Valeron Polearm
- Valeron Javelin
- Valeron Rod
- Valeron Staff
- Valeron Main-Gauche
- Valeron Crossbow
- Valeron Mace
- Valeron Rifle
- Valeron Cannon
- Valeron Shotgun
- Valeron Saber
- Valeron Shield
- Valeron Magic Scroll
- Valeron Rosario
- Valeron Hammer
- Valeron Controller
- Valeron Pendant
- ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
- ILE-525 Cube
- Valeron Robe
- Valeron Coat
- Valeron Leather Armor
- Valeron Metal Armor
- Bristia Dagger
- Bristia Pistol
- Bristia Slayer
- Bristia Crescent
- Bristia Rapier
- Bristia Knuckle
- Bristia Leguard
- Bristia Tonfa
- Bristia Fire Bracelet
- Bristia Lightning Bracelet
- Bristia Ice Bracelet
- Bristia Sword
- Bristia Lute
- Bristia Elemental Bracelet
- Bristia Polearm
- Bristia Javelin
- Bristia Rod
- Bristia Staff
- Bristia Main-gauche
- Bristia Crossbow
- Bristia Blunt
- Bristia Rifle
- Bristia Cannon
- Bristia Shotgun
- Bristia Sabre
- Bristia ArmShield
- Bristia Shield
- Bristia Encyclopedia
- Bristia Soldier Diary
- Bristia Cube
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Robe
- Strata Devil Plate
- Strata Devil Crossbow
- Strata Devil Staff
- Strata Devil Blunt
- Strata Devil Bayonet
- Strata Devil Sword
- Strata Devil Lute
- Strata Devil Shotgun
- Strata Devil Cannon
- Strata Devil Slayer
- Strata Devil Sabre
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche
- Strata Devil Dagger
- Strata Devil Polearm
- Strata Devil Shield
- Strata Devil Pistol
- Strata Devil Rapier
- Strata Devil Leg-Guard
- Strata Devil Knuckle
- Strata Devil Bracelet
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning
- Strata Devil Javelin
- Strata Devil Crescent
- Strata Devil Tonfa
- Strata Devil Hammer
- Strata Devil Controller
- Strata Devil Pendant
- Strata Devil Rosario
- Strata Devil Rod
- Strata Devil Rifle
- Evil Shield
- Divine Heavy Rifle
- Divine Crossbow
- Divine Staff
- Divine Mace
- Divine Rifle
- Divine Sword
- Divine Lute
- Divine Shotgun
- Divine Cannon
- Divine Slayer
- Divine Sabre
- Divine Main-gauche
- Divine Dagger
- Divine Polearm
- Divine Pistol
- Divine Rapier
- Divine Legguard
- Divine Knuckle
- Divine Elemental Bracelet
- Divine Fire Bracelet
- Divine Ice Bracelet
- Divine Lighting Bracelet
- Divine Javelin
- Divine Crescent
- Divine Tonfa
- Divine Rod
- Divine Broomstick
- Divine MagicBook
- Divine Encyclopedia
- Divine Cube
- Craft of Nash
- Corazon Crystal
- Petrified Gas Crystal
- Otite Crystal
- Holy Water Crystal
- Rhodolite Crystal
- Elegant Rosario
- Elegant Pendant
- Elegant Controller
- Theory of Lawrence
- Magic Scroll of Wilbur
- Cube of Gridley
- Bracelet of Raien
- Lightning Bangle of Porter
- Ice Bangle of Meyer
- Flame Bangle of Howard
- Rod of Carla
- Crossbow of Ashley
- Burst of Spencer
- Revolver of Gerad
- Bayonet of Dewey
- Crescent of Reilly
- Mace of Magus
- Axe of Razin
- Aclys of Graham
- Main-Gauche of Yeager
- Dagger of Higgins
- Great Sword of McFaul
- Shamshir of Norris
- Fleuret of Shirley
- Blade of Montgomery
- Wilight Lute
- Ansurlight Bracelet
- Tirlight Bracelet
- Ezlight Ice Bracelet
- Kenlight Bracelet
- Niedlight Staff
- Feolight Rod
- Yrlight Crossbow
- Jalight Shotgun
- Hagallight Magnum
- Othellight Rifle
- Urlight tonfa
- Sigellight Leguard
- Manaslight Knuckle
- Redlight Javeline
- Beolight Polearm
- Peorthlight Dagger
- Thornlight Slayer
- Inglight Rapier
- Eolhlight Sabre
- Geobolight Blade
- Robe Armor Crystal - Grade 35
- Coat Armor Crystal - Grade 35
- Leather Armor Crystal - Grade 35
- Metal Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Essence of Death Wraith
Essence of Death Wraith. Its the material to make the sharp blade of [Strata Devil Polearm, Strata Devil Rapier, Strata Devil Sword, Strata Devil Javelin].
Sell: 1 Vis
Essence of Star
Essence containing Star Energy. Its used in enhancing some special accessories.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Enchantment Chip Master | 10 |
Enchantment Chip Expert | 30 |
Enchantment Chip Veteran | 40 |
Known Uses
- Stellas Nobility
- Stellas Blessing
- Stellas Enthusiasm
- Stellas Judgement
- Stellas Valor
- Stellas Purity
- Atlas Gaze
- Atlas Strength
- Atlas Salvation
- Atlas Brutality
- Atlas Ferocity
- Atlas Dignity
- Atlas Weight
- Ordens Lament
- Ordens Dedication
- Ordens Hatred
- Ordens Destruction
- Ordens Tear
- Ordens Oblivion
- Ordens Breath
- Chloes Wisdom
- Chloes Riddle
- Chloes Affection
- Chloes Wish
- Chloes Melody
- Chloes Insight
- Charlottes Faith
- Charlottes Passion
- Charlottes Agony
- Charlottes Raid
- Charlottes Patience
- Charlottes Sharpness
- Charlottes Smile
- Vernier Bracelet
- Vernier Pistol
- Vernier Slayer
- Vernier Bracelet of Fire
- Vernier Knuckle
- Vernier Magic Book
White, silver ore specially available at beach town. Costly since it has small yield. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Evoras Black Insignia
Black Insignia to prove the membership of Evora, Illier New Army. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valerons Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis
Gold piece
High purity gold. There is an illegible crest carved on it. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
Green Arsene Circus Ticket
A material to make a unique Magic Weapon for Chateau de Bourgogne.
Sell: 2 750 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Talt | 200 |
Pure Otite | 15 |
Shiny Crystal | 600 |
Growth Stone
Exchangeable, with 100,000 Feso
Sell: 0 Vis
Known Uses
- Bristia Dagger
- Bristia Pistol
- Bristia Slayer
- Bristia Crescent
- Bristia Rapier
- Bristia Knuckle
- Bristia Leguard
- Bristia Tonfa
- Bristia Fire Bracelet
- Bristia Lightning Bracelet
- Bristia Ice Bracelet
- Bristia Sword
- Bristia Lute
- Bristia Elemental Bracelet
- Bristia Polearm
- Bristia Javelin
- Bristia Rod
- Bristia Staff
- Bristia Main-gauche
- Bristia Crossbow
- Bristia Blunt
- Bristia Rifle
- Bristia Cannon
- Bristia Shotgun
- Bristia Sabre
- Bristia ArmShield
- Bristia Shield
- Bristia Encyclopedia
- Bristia Soldier Diary
- Bristia Cube
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Robe
- Strata Devil Plate
- Strata Devil Crossbow
- Strata Devil Staff
- Strata Devil Blunt
- Strata Devil Bayonet
- Strata Devil Sword
- Strata Devil Lute
- Strata Devil Shotgun
- Strata Devil Cannon
- Strata Devil Slayer
- Strata Devil Sabre
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche
- Strata Devil Dagger
- Strata Devil Polearm
- Strata Devil Shield
- Strata Devil Pistol
- Strata Devil Rapier
- Strata Devil Leg-Guard
- Strata Devil Knuckle
- Strata Devil Bracelet
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning
- Strata Devil Javelin
- Strata Devil Crescent
- Strata Devil Tonfa
- Strata Devil Hammer
- Strata Devil Controller
- Strata Devil Pendant
- Strata Devil Rosario
- Strata Devil Rod
- Strata Devil Rifle
- Evil Shield
- Divine Heavy Rifle
- Divine Crossbow
- Divine Staff
- Divine Mace
- Divine Rifle
- Divine Sword
- Divine Lute
- Divine Shotgun
- Divine Cannon
- Divine Slayer
- Divine Sabre
- Divine Main-gauche
- Divine Dagger
- Divine Polearm
- Divine Pistol
- Divine Rapier
- Divine Legguard
- Divine Knuckle
- Divine Elemental Bracelet
- Divine Fire Bracelet
- Divine Ice Bracelet
- Divine Lighting Bracelet
- Divine Javelin
- Divine Crescent
- Divine Tonfa
- Divine Rod
- Divine Broomstick
- Divine MagicBook
- Divine Encyclopedia
- Divine Cube
- Craft of Nash
- Dazzling Corazon Crystal
- Dazzling Petrified Gas Crystal
- Dazzling Otite Crystal
- Dazzling Holy Water Crystal
- Dazzling Rhodolite Crystal
- Elegant Rosario
- Elegant Pendant
- Elegant Controller
- Theory of Lawrence
- Magic Scroll of Wilbur
- Cube of Gridley
- Bracelet of Raien
- Lightning Bangle of Porter
- Ice Bangle of Meyer
- Flame Bangle of Howard
- Rod of Carla
- Crossbow of Ashley
- Burst of Spencer
- Revolver of Gerad
- Bayonet of Dewey
- Crescent of Reilly
- Mace of Magus
- Axe of Razin
- Aclys of Graham
- Main-Gauche of Yeager
- Dagger of Higgins
- Great Sword of McFaul
- Shamshir of Norris
- Fleuret of Shirley
- Blade of Montgomery
- Wilight Lute
- Ansurlight Bracelet
- Tirlight Bracelet
- Ezlight Ice Bracelet
- Kenlight Bracelet
- Niedlight Staff
- Feolight Rod
- Yrlight Crossbow
- Jalight Shotgun
- Hagallight Magnum
- Othellight Rifle
- Urlight tonfa
- Sigellight Leguard
- Manaslight Knuckle
- Redlight Javeline
- Beolight Polearm
- Peorthlight Dagger
- Thornlight Slayer
- Inglight Rapier
- Eolhlight Sabre
- Geobolight Blade
High Quality Cripte
Qualified ornament specially crafted for withstanding the cold weather in the snowfield.
Sell: 11 Vis
Known Uses
High Quality Emerald
A finely chiseled gem of Enhance green and mysterious depth. A valuable item.
Able to get a Emerald when destroy in Anvil.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
High Quality Floccus
Red wool specially crafted for withstanding the cold weather in the snowfield.
Sell: 11 Vis
Known Uses
High Quality Ruby
A finely chiseled gem with lush color and fiery brilliance.
Able to get a Ruby when destroy in Anvil.
Sell: 1 Vis
High Quality Sapphire
A finely chiseled gem with lush color and glowing luminance. Nobles use it as accessories.
Able to get a Sapphire when destroy in Anvil.
Sell: 1 Vis
High Quality Suede
Enhanced leather specially crafted for withstanding the cold weather in the snowfield.
Sell: 11 Vis
Known Uses
High Quality Velour
Qualified textile specially crafted for withstanding the cold weather in the snowfield.
Sell: 11 Vis
Known Uses
High Quality White Fur
Qualified fur specially crafted for withstanding the cold weather in the snowfield.
Sell: 11 Vis
Known Uses
High Quality Wood
Carefully processed scented wood. Commonly used for gun handles and staffs.
Sell: 308 Vis
Holy Armor Piece
A metal piece of armor used by a senior crusader of Armonia in the past. This is the main material for creating Armonia metal armor.
Sell: 1 Vis
Holy Water Crystal
The Water crystal made by specially refining Dazzling Holy Water fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Holy Water crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Ice Crystal | 200 |
Elemental Jewel | 1 |
Dazzling Holy Water Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Water | 4 |
Enchantment Chip Master | 10 |
Known Uses
Holy Water Fragment
The Water crystal made by specially refining some ore containing Water Energy. Its the basic material necessary to make Refined Holy Water Fragment.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Copper piece | 50 |
Silver Bar | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.92 | 20 |
Known Uses
Flawless smooth White ore used as ingredients for several items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Iron piece
Corroded iron piece. When treated well, it can be used to make different items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 28 Vis
Known Uses
Mysterious ore that cant be found anywhere in new continent. It has the ability to control a special power. It can also be used to make the [Dream of Devil] through Alchemy.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Elegant Rosario
- Elegant Pendant
- Elegant Controller
- Theory of Lawrence
- Magic Scroll of Wilbur
- Cube of Gridley
- Bracelet of Raien
- Lightning Bangle of Porter
- Ice Bangle of Meyer
- Flame Bangle of Howard
- Rod of Carla
- Crossbow of Ashley
- Burst of Spencer
- Revolver of Gerad
- Bayonet of Dewey
- Crescent of Reilly
- Mace of Magus
- Axe of Razin
- Aclys of Graham
- Main-Gauche of Yeager
- Dagger of Higgins
- Great Sword of McFaul
- Shamshir of Norris
- Fleuret of Shirley
- Blade of Montgomery
- Wilight Lute
- Ansurlight Bracelet
- Tirlight Bracelet
- Ezlight Ice Bracelet
- Kenlight Bracelet
- Niedlight Staff
- Feolight Rod
- Yrlight Crossbow
- Jalight Shotgun
- Hagallight Magnum
- Othellight Rifle
- Urlight tonfa
- Sigellight Leguard
- Manaslight Knuckle
- Redlight Javeline
- Beolight Polearm
- Peorthlight Dagger
- Thornlight Slayer
- Inglight Rapier
- Eolhlight Sabre
- Geobolight Blade
Leather Tapetry
A leather tapestry in which a senior priest of the past is portrayed. This is the main material for creating Armonia leather armor.
Sell: 1 Vis
Magic Corps Gold Insignia
Gold Insignia to prove the membership of Illier Magic Corps. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valerons Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Valeron Dagger
- Valeron Pistol
- Valeron Slayer
- Valeron Crescent
- Valeron Rapier
- Valeron Knuckle
- Valeron Leg-Guard
- Valeron Tonfa
- Valeron Sword
- Valeron Polearm
- Valeron Javelin
- Valeron Main-Gauche
- Valeron Crossbow
- Valeron Mace
- Valeron Rifle
- Valeron Cannon
- Valeron Shotgun
- Valeron Saber
- Valeron Shield
- Valeron Hammer
- ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
Magic Corps Red Insignia
Reddish Insignia to prove the membership of Illier Magic Corps. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valerons Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis
Magical Amethyst
Amethyst with magical powers that is used to craft special items.
Sell: 138 Vis
Known Uses
Mega Etretanium
White, silver ore specially found at beach town. It has spells and many uses but it is very costly.
Sell: 90 Vis
Mega Quartz
Ore with six crystal faces found at the new continent. Ore with distinct crystal faces and a shiny gloss are used as gems.
Sell: 90 Vis
Memo of Expedition
Memo presumed as Ferruccio Explorers wrote. Possible to get in whole Bahamar area.
Sell: 138 Vis
Known Uses
- War Prominence
- War Crescent
- Elite Silver Crossbow
- Elite Teorbe
- Elite Bracelet of Ziz
- Elite Bracelet of Leviathan
- Elite Bracelet of Behemoth
- Elite Grim-stick
- Elite Black Dragon
- Elite Demon Slayer
- Elite Grim-Wraith
- Serpent Rifle
- Serpent Javelin
- Steel Fort
- Black Bishop
- White Bishop
- Forest Whisper
- Glacial Crystal
- Phantom Guard
- Serpent Cannon
- Serpent Shooter
- Serpent Revolver
- Golden Feet
- Golden Fist
- Serpent Main-Gauche
- Black Dagger
- White Dagger
- Serpent Spear
- Sword of the King
- Golden Damascus
- Sword of Knight
- Sword of the Queen
Mission Coupon : Illisia
Certificate for the mission completion of Illisia citizens. Can use inside Illier.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Valeron Dagger
- Valeron Pistol
- Valeron Slayer
- Valeron Crescent
- Valeron Rapier
- Valeron Knuckle
- Valeron Leg-Guard
- Valeron Tonfa
- Valeron Sword
- Valeron Polearm
- Valeron Javelin
- Valeron Main-Gauche
- Valeron Crossbow
- Valeron Mace
- Valeron Rifle
- Valeron Cannon
- Valeron Shotgun
- Valeron Saber
- Valeron Shield
- Valeron Hammer
- ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
Mission Coupon : Magic Corps
Certificate for the mission completion of Illier Magic Corps. Can use inside Illier.
Sell: 1 Vis
Moon Stone
Exchangeable, with 10,000 Feso
Sell: 0 Vis
Known Uses
- Dazzling Corazon Fragment
- Dazzling Petrified Gas Fragment
- Dazzling Otite Fragment
- Dazzling Holy Water Fragment
- Dazzling Rhodolite Fragment
- Aquamarine of Purity
- Amethyst of Awakening
- Carnelian of Delight
- Ruby of Passion
- Pearl of Excellence
- Emerald of Mystery
- Tourmaline of Dominance
- Sapphire of Concentration
- Agate of Blast
- Lapis Lazuli of Accuracy
- Topaz of Influence
- Opal of Precision
- Jasper of Aggression
- Peridot of Defiant
- Azulita of Speed
- Spinel of Sharpness
- Garnet of Nature
- Obsidian of Destruction
- Moonstone of Harmony
- Malachite of Sublimity
- Jade of Patience
- Diamond of Perfection
- Knowledge of Mechanism
- Assembly Logic Bangle
- Iceberg Bangle
- Pyrite Bangle
- Screw Bolt Crossbow
- Jaspards Rifling Revolver
- Miquiret Steam Bayonet
- Rays Anchor Knuckle
- Dagger Symmetric
- Duel Structure Dagger
- Highlander Claymore
- Grear Gimmick of Scimitar
- Sword of Exmachina
- Gluttony Leg-Guard
- The Axe of Lie
- The Revolver of Revenge
- The Rod of Pride
- Insincere Blade
- Sabre of Trooper
- The Tonfa of Wrath
- The Rapier of Imitator
- The Crossbow of Apostate
- Lust Bracelet
- Crime Shotgun
- The Crescent of Avenger
- The Dagger of Greed
- The Knuckle of Temptation
- Unlawful Bayonet
- The Hammer of Sloth
- The Canon of Detractor
- Soul Zweihander
- Rod of Recluse
- Bracelet of Empress
- Lute of Fortune
- Shotgun of World
- Crossbow of Temperance
- Cannon of Chariot
- Revolver of Justice
- Rifle of Highrophant
- Death of Wraith
- Sabre of Devil
- Javelin of Tower
- Leg-Guards of Hanged Man
- Dagger of Lovers
- Sword of Strength
- Hammer of Judgment
- Rapier of Highpriestess
- Feast of Emperor
- Sort of Fool
- Dragonic Shield
- Dragonic Bracelet
- Dragonic Staff
- Dragonic Rod
- Dragonic Bowgun
- Dragonic Shotgun
- Dragonic Revolver
- Dragonic Rifle
- Dragonic Javelin
- Dragonic Hammer
- Dragonic Dagger
- Dragonic Spear
- Dragonic Sword
- Dragonic Sabre
- Dragonic Rapier
- Dragonic Blade
Old Chess piece
Old Chess Piece. It looks somebody lost in swamp area during exploration.
Sell: 138 Vis
Origin of Fire
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of fire. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
Sell: 1 Vis
Origin of Land
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of earth. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
Sell: 1 Vis
Origin of Water
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of water. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
Sell: 1 Vis
Origin of Wind
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of wind. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
Sell: 1 Vis
Otite Crystal
The Wind crystal made by specially refining Dazzling Otite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Otite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Otite Piece | 200 |
Elemental Jewel | 1 |
Dazzling Otite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Wind | 4 |
Enchantment Chip Master | 10 |
Known Uses
Otite Fragment
The Wind crystal made by specially refining some ore containing Wind Energy. Its the basic material necessary to make Refined Otite Fragment.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Iron piece | 50 |
Silver Bar | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.92 | 20 |
Known Uses
Patrikyons Silver Insignia
Silver Insignia to prove the membership of Patrikyon, Illier Old Army. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valerons Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Valeron Dagger
- Valeron Pistol
- Valeron Slayer
- Valeron Crescent
- Valeron Rapier
- Valeron Knuckle
- Valeron Leg-Guard
- Valeron Tonfa
- Valeron Sword
- Valeron Polearm
- Valeron Javelin
- Valeron Main-Gauche
- Valeron Crossbow
- Valeron Mace
- Valeron Rifle
- Valeron Cannon
- Valeron Shotgun
- Valeron Saber
- Valeron Shield
- Valeron Hammer
- ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
Pattern of Nephthys
Pattern carved on the body of Nephthys. Its the material to compose the magic power of [Strata Devil Bracelet, Strata Devil Fire Bracelet, Strata Devil Ice Bracelet, Strata Devil Lightning Bracelet].
Sell: 1 Vis
Petrified Gas Crystal
The Earth crystal made by specially refining Dazzling Petrified Gas fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Petrified Gas crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Magical Amethyst | 50 |
Elemental Jewel | 1 |
Dazzling Petrified Gas Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Land | 4 |
Enchantment Chip Master | 10 |
Known Uses
Petrified Gas Fragment
The Earth crystal made by specially refining some ore containing Earth Energy. Its the basic material necessary to make Refined Petrified Gas Fragment.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Steel piece | 50 |
Silver Bar | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.92 | 20 |
Known Uses
Piece of Elite Schvarlier Armor
Piece of armo that can make better armor than armor of Schvarlier.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
Pieces of Elite Bracelet
Pieces of a bracelet that is used to make bracelet better than general bracelet.
Sell: 825 Vis
Pioneer Token-Ogre
Spoils of the Ogre hunt. The symbol is carved from the materials used to craft their weapons.
Sell: 1 100 Vis
Pioneer Token-Werewolf
Spoils of the Werewolf hunt. The symbol is carved from the materials used to craft their weapons.
Sell: 1 100 Vis
Platinum Bar
A taxable Bar made of Platinum
Possible to buy or sell with each towns Merchants
(Worth 1.000.000 Vis)
Sell: 1 000 001 Vis
Known Uses
- Pure Corazon Fragment
- Pure Petrified Gas Fragment
- Pure Otite Fragment
- Pure Holy Water Fragment
- Pure Rhodolite Fragment
- Aquamarine of Purity
- Amethyst of Awakening
- Carnelian of Delight
- Ruby of Passion
- Pearl of Excellence
- Emerald of Mystery
- Tourmaline of Dominance
- Sapphire of Concentration
- Agate of Blast
- Lapis Lazuli of Accuracy
- Topaz of Influence
- Opal of Precision
- Jasper of Aggression
- Peridot of Defiant
- Azulita of Speed
- Spinel of Sharpness
- Garnet of Nature
- Obsidian of Destruction
- Moonstone of Harmony
- Malachite of Sublimity
- Jade of Patience
- Diamond of Perfection
- Knowledge of Mechanism
- Assembly Logic Bangle
- Iceberg Bangle
- Pyrite Bangle
- Screw Bolt Crossbow
- Jaspards Rifling Revolver
- Miquiret Steam Bayonet
- Rays Anchor Knuckle
- Dagger Symmetric
- Duel Structure Dagger
- Highlander Claymore
- Grear Gimmick of Scimitar
- Sword of Exmachina
- Gluttony Leg-Guard
- The Axe of Lie
- The Revolver of Revenge
- The Rod of Pride
- Insincere Blade
- Sabre of Trooper
- The Tonfa of Wrath
- The Rapier of Imitator
- The Crossbow of Apostate
- Lust Bracelet
- Crime Shotgun
- The Crescent of Avenger
- The Dagger of Greed
- The Knuckle of Temptation
- Unlawful Bayonet
- The Hammer of Sloth
- The Canon of Detractor
- Soul Zweihander
- Rod of Recluse
- Bracelet of Empress
- Lute of Fortune
- Shotgun of World
- Crossbow of Temperance
- Cannon of Chariot
- Revolver of Justice
- Rifle of Highrophant
- Death of Wraith
- Sabre of Devil
- Javelin of Tower
- Leg-Guards of Hanged Man
- Dagger of Lovers
- Sword of Strength
- Hammer of Judgment
- Rapier of Highpriestess
- Feast of Emperor
- Sort of Fool
- Dragonic Shield
- Dragonic Bracelet
- Dragonic Staff
- Dragonic Rod
- Dragonic Bowgun
- Dragonic Shotgun
- Dragonic Revolver
- Dragonic Rifle
- Dragonic Javelin
- Dragonic Hammer
- Dragonic Dagger
- Dragonic Spear
- Dragonic Sword
- Dragonic Sabre
- Dragonic Rapier
- Dragonic Blade
Silver ore found in Portus. Used as a catalyst for ancient weapons.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Stellas Nobility
- Stellas Blessing
- Stellas Enthusiasm
- Stellas Judgement
- Stellas Valor
- Stellas Purity
- Atlas Gaze
- Atlas Strength
- Atlas Salvation
- Atlas Brutality
- Atlas Ferocity
- Atlas Dignity
- Atlas Weight
- Ordens Lament
- Ordens Dedication
- Ordens Hatred
- Ordens Destruction
- Ordens Tear
- Ordens Oblivion
- Ordens Breath
- Chloes Wisdom
- Chloes Riddle
- Chloes Affection
- Chloes Wish
- Chloes Melody
- Chloes Insight
- Charlottes Faith
- Charlottes Passion
- Charlottes Agony
- Charlottes Raid
- Charlottes Patience
- Charlottes Sharpness
- Charlottes Smile
Pure Aidanium
Light, silver ore specially available at Granado Espada continent. Many items are made from this refined ore. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Pure Corazon Fragment
The Mind crystal made by specially refining Refined Corazon fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Pure Corazon crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Refined Etretanium | 100 |
Platinum Bar | 5 |
Refined Corazon Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Mind | 1 |
Enchantment Chip Lv 100 | 30 |
Known Uses
Pure Etretanium
White, silver ore specially available at beach town. Costly since it has small yield. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Pure Holy Water Fragment
The Water crystal made by specially refining Refined Holy Water fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Shiny Holy Water crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Refined Quartz | 100 |
Platinum Bar | 5 |
Refined Holy Water Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Water | 1 |
Enchantment Chip Lv 100 | 30 |
Known Uses
Pure Ionium
Flawless smooth White ore used as ingredients for several items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Pure Otite
Material for making an item.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Pure Gold Pendant
- Silver Light Controller
- Hammer of Tollero
- Silver Rosario
- Noche Frigid
- Noche Triste
- Green Arsene Circus Ticket
- Blue Arsene Circus Ticket
- Red Arsene Circus Ticket
- Elite Battle Crossbow
- Elite Arciliuto
- Elite Skullic Bracer
- Elite Echo of Steel
- Elite Steel of Destruction
- Elite Dance of Steel
- Elite Wave of Steel
- Elite Beat of Steel
- Elite Destruction of Steel
- Elite Cuspid of Steel
- Elite Soul of Steel
- Elite Iron Pistol
- Elite Aquila
- Elite Octagon Shield
- Elite Muses Gigantestar
- Elite War Hammer
- Elite Grim-ripper
- Elite Muses Gigantespada
- Elite Weird Sword
- Elite Bandersnatch
- Elite Gladius
- Elite Dragomahawk
- Elite Schvarlier Slayer
- Elite Schvarlier Sword
- Elite Mallet
- Elite Crescent Axe
- Elite Iron Axe
- Elite Morgenstern
- Elite Beam-gun
- Elite Axe di Gavi
- Elite Sabre di Gavi
- Elite Castor Wing
- Elite Pollux Wing
- Elite Noir Plaque
- Elite Rouge Plaque
- Elite Scythe
- Elite Antique Pistol
- Elite Phobitan Knuckle
- Elite Harpoon
- Elite Castor Sword
- Elite Pollux Sword
- Elite Candlestick
- Elite Small Knife
- Elite Great Maul
Pure Otite Fragment
The Wind crystal made by specially refining Refined Otite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Otite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Refined Aidanium | 100 |
Platinum Bar | 5 |
Refined Otite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Wind | 1 |
Enchantment Chip Lv 100 | 30 |
Known Uses
Pure Petrified Gas Fragment
The Earth crystal made by specially refining Refined Petrified Gas fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Petrified Gas crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Refined Ionium | 100 |
Platinum Bar | 5 |
Refined Petrified Gas Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Land | 1 |
Enchantment Chip Lv 100 | 30 |
Known Uses
Pure Quartz
Ore that has six crystal faces all over the new continent. Distinct crystal faces and shiny gloss can be used for gems. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Pure Rhodolite Fragment
The Fire crystal made by specially refining refined Rhodolite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Rhodolite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Refined Talt | 100 |
Platinum Bar | 5 |
Refined Rhodolite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Fire | 1 |
Enchantment Chip Lv 100 | 30 |
Known Uses
Pure Talt
Tool set with different functions used for construction. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 330 Vis
Known Uses
Ore that has six crystal faces all over the new continent. Distinct crystal faces and shiny gloss can be used for gems. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Quiritatios Essence
Essence containing the magic power extracted from Quiritatio samples.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Stellas Nobility
- Stellas Blessing
- Stellas Enthusiasm
- Stellas Judgement
- Stellas Valor
- Stellas Purity
- Atlas Gaze
- Atlas Strength
- Atlas Salvation
- Atlas Brutality
- Atlas Ferocity
- Atlas Dignity
- Atlas Weight
- Ordens Lament
- Ordens Dedication
- Ordens Hatred
- Ordens Destruction
- Ordens Tear
- Ordens Oblivion
- Ordens Breath
- Chloes Wisdom
- Chloes Riddle
- Chloes Affection
- Chloes Wish
- Chloes Melody
- Chloes Insight
- Charlottes Faith
- Charlottes Passion
- Charlottes Agony
- Charlottes Raid
- Charlottes Patience
- Charlottes Sharpness
- Charlottes Smile
Red Armonium Ore
A reddish Armonium ore. It used to be a blue color but has been discolored by the energy of Abyss.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Red Valeron Dagger
- Red Valeron Pistol
- Red Valeron Slayer
- Red Valeron Crescent
- Red Valeron Rapier
- Red Valeron Knuckle
- Red Valeron Leguard
- Red Valeron Tonfa
- Red Valeron Fire Bracelet
- Red Valeron Lightning Bracelet
- Red Valeron Ice Bracelet
- Red Valeron Sword
- Red Valeron Lute
- Red Valeron Elemental Bracelet
- Red Valeron Polearm
- Red Valeron Javelin
- Red Valeron Rod
- Red Valeron Staff
- Red Valeron Main-gauche
- Red Valeron Crossbow
- Red Valeron Blunt
- Red Valeron Rifle
- Red Valeron Cannon
- Red Valeron Shotgun
- Red Valeron Sabre
- Red Valeron Shield
- Red Valeron Magic Diary
- Red Valeron Tool
- Red Valeron Controller
- Red Valeron Pendant
- Red Valeron Heavy Rifle
- Red Valeron Rosario
- Red Valeron Cube
- Red Valeron Dagger [Event]
- Red Valeron Pistol [Event]
- Red Valeron Slayer [Event]
- Red Valeron Crescent [Event]
- Red Valeron Rapier [Event]
- Red Valeron Knuckle [Event]
- Red Valeron Leguard [Event]
- Red Valeron Tonfa [Event]
- Red Valeron Fire Bracelet [Event]
- Red Valeron Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Red Valeron Ice Bracelet [Event]
- Red Valeron Sword [Event]
- Red Valeron Lute [Event]
- Red Valeron Elemental Bracelet [Event]
- Red Valeron Polearm [Event]
- Red Valeron Javelin [Event]
- Red Valeron Rod [Event]
- Red Valeron Staff [Event]
- Red Valeron Main-gauche [Event]
- Red Valeron Crossbow [Event]
- Red Valeron Blunt [Event]
- Red Valeron Rifle [Event]
- Red Valeron Cannon [Event]
- Red Valeron Shotgun [Event]
- Red Valeron Sabre [Event]
- Red Valeron Shield [Event]
- Red Valeron Magic Diary [Event]
- Red Valeron Tool [Event]
- Red Valeron Controller [Event]
- Red Valeron Pendant [Event]
- Red Valeron Heavy Rifle [Event]
- Red Valeron Rosario [Event]
- Red Valeron Cube [Event]
Red Arsene Circus Ticket
A material to make a unique Melee Weapon for Chateau de Bourgogne.
Sell: 2 750 Vis
Item | # |
Mega Talt | 200 |
Pure Otite | 15 |
Shiny Crystal | 600 |
Known Uses
- Elite El Juicio
- Elite La Luna
- Elite La Estrella
- Elite La Torre
- Elite La Templanza
- Elite La Muerte
- Elite El Colgado
- Elite La Rueda De La Fortuna
- Elite El Ermitano
- Elite La Justicia
- Elite La Emperador
- Elite La Suma Sacherdotisa
- El Juicio
- La Luna
- La Estrella
- La Torre
- La Templanza
- La Muerte
- El Colgado
- La Rueda De La Fortuna
- El Ermitano
- La Justicia
- La Emperador
- La Suma Sacherdotisa
- Elite Clarcana
- Elite Arcanero Plate
Red Turin Shroud
A red and long fabric used to cover the holy mans body. This is the main material for creating Armonia robes.
Sell: 1 Vis
Refined Aidanium
Light, silver ore specially available at Granado Espada continent. Many items are made from this refined ore. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Refined Corazon Fragment
The Mind crystal made by specially refining Corazon fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Pure Corazon crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Etretanium | 50 |
Pure Gold Bar | 3 |
Corazon Fragment | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.96 | 20 |
Known Uses
Refined Etretanium
White, silver ore specially available at beach town. Costly since it has small yield. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Refined Holy Water Fragment
The Water crystal made by specially refining Holy Water fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Pure Holy Water crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Quartz | 50 |
Pure Gold Bar | 3 |
Holy Water Fragment | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.96 | 20 |
Known Uses
Refined Ionium
Flawless smooth White ore used as ingredients for several items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Refined Otite Fragment
The Wind crystal made by specially refining Otite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Pure Otite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Aidanium | 50 |
Pure Gold Bar | 3 |
Otite Fragment | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.96 | 20 |
Known Uses
Refined Petrified Gas Fragment
The Earth crystal made by specially refining Petrified Gas fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Pure Petrified Gas crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Ionium | 50 |
Pure Gold Bar | 3 |
Petrified Gas Fragment | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.96 | 20 |
Known Uses
Refined Quartz
Ore that has six crystal faces all over the new continent. Distinct crystal faces and shiny gloss can be used for gems. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 90 Vis
Known Uses
Refined Rhodolite Fragment
The Fire crystal made by specially refining Refined Rhodolite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Pure Rhodolite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Talt | 50 |
Pure Gold Bar | 3 |
Rhodolite Fragment | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.96 | 20 |
Known Uses
Refined Talt
Tool set with different functions used for construction. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 99 Vis
Known Uses
Rhodolite Crystal
The Fire crystal made by specially refining Dazzling Rhodolite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Rhodolite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Stone of Philosopher | 200 |
Elemental Jewel | 1 |
Dazzling Rhodolite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Fire | 4 |
Enchantment Chip Master | 10 |
Known Uses
Rhodolite Fragment
The Fire crystal made by specially refining Rhodolite crystal. Its the basic material necessary to make [Stars Messengers Earring].
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Bulk Coal | 50 |
Silver Bar | 3 |
Enchantment Chip Lv.92 | 20 |
Known Uses
Sauterelles Clothes Piece
Sauterelles Antennae. Its the material to make the magical decoration of [Strata Devil Rod, Strata Devil Lute, Strata Devil Staff].
Sell: 1 Vis
Shiny Corazon Fragment
The Mind crystal made by specially refining Pure Corazon fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Corazon crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Pure Etretanium | 500 |
Sun Stone | 5 |
Pure Corazon Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Mind | 2 |
Enchantment Chip Veteran | 12 |
Known Uses
Shiny Holy Water Fragment
The Water crystal made by specially refining Pure Holy Water fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Holy Water crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Pure Quartz | 500 |
Sun Stone | 5 |
Pure Holy Water Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Water | 2 |
Enchantment Chip Veteran | 12 |
Known Uses
Shiny Otite Fragment
The Wind crystal made by specially refining Pure Otite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Otite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Pure Aidanium | 500 |
Sun Stone | 5 |
Pure Otite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Wind | 2 |
Enchantment Chip Veteran | 12 |
Known Uses
Shiny Petrified Gas Fragment
The Earth crystal made by specially refining Pure Petrified Gas fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Petrified Gas crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Pure Ionium | 500 |
Sun Stone | 5 |
Pure Petrified Gas Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Land | 2 |
Enchantment Chip Veteran | 12 |
Known Uses
Shiny Rhodolite Fragment
The Fire crystal made by specially refining Pure Rhodolite fragment. Its the basic material necessary to make Dazzling Rhodolite crystal.
Sell: 1 Vis
Item | # |
Pure Talt | 500 |
Sun Stone | 5 |
Pure Rhodolite Fragment | 3 |
Origin of Fire | 2 |
Enchantment Chip Veteran | 12 |
Known Uses
Shiny Solarion
Solarion was refined through Valerons vision. Its used in making Valerons gear.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Valeron Robe [Event]
- Valeron Coat [Event]
- Valeron Leather Armor [Event]
- Valeron Metal Armor [Event]
- Valeron Dagger
- Valeron Pistol
- Valeron Slayer
- Valeron Crescent
- Valeron Rapier
- Valeron Knuckle
- Valeron Leg-Guard
- Valeron Tonfa
- Valeron Fire Bracelet
- Valeron Lightning Bracelet
- Valeron Ice Bracelet
- Valeron Sword
- Valeron Lute
- Valeron Special Bracelet
- Valeron Polearm
- Valeron Javelin
- Valeron Rod
- Valeron Staff
- Valeron Main-Gauche
- Valeron Crossbow
- Valeron Mace
- Valeron Rifle
- Valeron Cannon
- Valeron Shotgun
- Valeron Saber
- Valeron Shield
- Valeron Magic Scroll
- Valeron Rosario
- Valeron Hammer
- Valeron Controller
- Valeron Pendant
- ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
- ILE-525 Cube
- Valeron Robe
- Valeron Coat
- Valeron Leather Armor
- Valeron Metal Armor
Silver Bar
Bar made of Silver. Used for making several ornamental wares. Possible to buy via Tool Merchant of each town. (About 50,000 Vis)
Sell: 50 001 Vis
Snail Shell
Snail Skin from Bahamar, it so solid and is useful to make a various stuffs
Sell: 138 Vis
Spirit of Forest
People say this jewel is made of crystallized energy of a little forest.
Sell: 1 100 Vis
Steel piece
Extremely durable metal created by refining iron for long. Swords can be created with this. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 55 Vis
Known Uses
Symbol of Naraka
You can feel the mysterious power from the frightening pattern. Possible to use to make Strata Devil Equipment.
Sell: 275 Vis
Known Uses
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Leather Armor
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Coat
- Strata Devil Robe
- Strata Devil Plate
- Strata Devil Crossbow
- Strata Devil Staff
- Strata Devil Blunt
- Strata Devil Bayonet
- Strata Devil Sword
- Strata Devil Lute
- Strata Devil Shotgun
- Strata Devil Cannon
- Strata Devil Slayer
- Strata Devil Sabre
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche
- Strata Devil Dagger
- Strata Devil Polearm
- Strata Devil Shield
- Strata Devil Pistol
- Strata Devil Rapier
- Strata Devil Leg-Guard
- Strata Devil Knuckle
- Strata Devil Bracelet
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning
- Strata Devil Javelin
- Strata Devil Crescent
- Strata Devil Tonfa
- Strata Devil Hammer
- Strata Devil Controller
- Strata Devil Pendant
- Strata Devil Rosario
- Strata Devil Rod
- Strata Devil Rifle
- Strata Devil Rifle (Event)
- Strata Devil Rod (Event)
- Strata Devil Rosario (Event)
- Strata Devil Pendant (Event)
- Strata Devil Controller (Event)
- Strata Devil Hammer (Event)
- Strata Devil Tonfa (Event)
- Strata Devil Crescent (Event)
- Strata Devil Javelin (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire (Event)
- Strata Devil Bracelet (Event)
- Strata Devil Knuckle (Event)
- Strata Devil Leg-Guards (Event)
- Strata Devil Rapier (Event)
- Strata Devil Pistol (Event)
- Strata Devil Shield (Event)
- Strata Devil Polearm (Event)
- Strata Devil Dagger (Event)
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche (Event)
- Strata Devil Sabre (Event)
- Strata Devil Slayer (Event)
- Strata Devil Cannon (Event)
- Strata Devil Shotgun (Event)
- Strata Devil Lute (Event)
- Strata Devil Sword (Event)
- Strata Devil Bayonet (Event)
- Strata Devil Blunt (Event)
- Strata Devil Staff (Event)
- Strata Devil Crossbow (Event)
- Broom of Little Witch
- Gold Rosario
Symbol of Trust
Symbol of Trust of Prurio
{#ffffff}Artifact manufacturing material
Sell: 0 Vis
Known Uses
- Stellas Nobility
- Stellas Blessing
- Stellas Enthusiasm
- Stellas Judgement
- Stellas Valor
- Stellas Purity
- Atlas Gaze
- Atlas Strength
- Atlas Salvation
- Atlas Brutality
- Atlas Ferocity
- Atlas Dignity
- Atlas Weight
- Ordens Lament
- Ordens Dedication
- Ordens Hatred
- Ordens Destruction
- Ordens Tear
- Ordens Oblivion
- Ordens Breath
- Chloes Wisdom
- Chloes Riddle
- Chloes Affection
- Chloes Wish
- Chloes Melody
- Chloes Insight
- Charlottes Faith
- Charlottes Passion
- Charlottes Agony
- Charlottes Raid
- Charlottes Patience
- Charlottes Sharpness
- Charlottes Smile
- Vernier Bracelet
- Vernier Pistol
- Vernier Slayer
- Vernier Bracelet of Fire
- Vernier Knuckle
- Vernier Magic Book
Tool set with different functions used for construction. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 20 Vis
Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Black Dragon
A rifle barrel. This could be used to make a better rifle than the Black Dragon.
Sell: 825 Vis
Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Demon Slayer
A sword hilt. With a blade, this would make a better sword than the Demon Slayer.
Sell: 825 Vis
Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Grim-Wraith
A sword hilt. With a blade, this would make a better sword than the Grim-Wraith.
Sell: 825 Vis
Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Grim-stick
The head of a stick. With a handle, this could be used to make a better stick than the Grim-stick.
Sell: 825 Vis
Known Uses
Time Crystal: Quiritatio
Crystal containing the strong power of the past created in Quiritatio.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Stellas Nobility
- Stellas Blessing
- Stellas Enthusiasm
- Stellas Judgement
- Stellas Valor
- Stellas Purity
- Atlas Gaze
- Atlas Strength
- Atlas Salvation
- Atlas Brutality
- Atlas Ferocity
- Atlas Dignity
- Atlas Weight
- Ordens Lament
- Ordens Dedication
- Ordens Hatred
- Ordens Destruction
- Ordens Tear
- Ordens Oblivion
- Ordens Breath
- Chloes Wisdom
- Chloes Riddle
- Chloes Affection
- Chloes Wish
- Chloes Melody
- Chloes Insight
- Charlottes Faith
- Charlottes Passion
- Charlottes Agony
- Charlottes Raid
- Charlottes Patience
- Charlottes Sharpness
- Charlottes Smile
Twisted Weapon Piece
Fragment of weapon twisted by strong power. Main material of Bristia Weapons, possible to make large Caliber Rifle by asking Marchetti.
Sell: 1 Vis
Known Uses
- Bristia Dagger
- Bristia Pistol
- Bristia Slayer
- Bristia Crescent
- Bristia Rapier
- Bristia Knuckle
- Bristia Leguard
- Bristia Tonfa
- Bristia Fire Bracelet
- Bristia Lightning Bracelet
- Bristia Ice Bracelet
- Bristia Sword
- Bristia Lute
- Bristia Elemental Bracelet
- Bristia Polearm
- Bristia Javelin
- Bristia Rod
- Bristia Staff
- Bristia Main-gauche
- Bristia Crossbow
- Bristia Blunt
- Bristia Rifle
- Bristia Cannon
- Bristia Shotgun
- Bristia Sabre
- Bristia ArmShield
- Bristia Shield
- Bristia Encyclopedia
- Bristia Soldier Diary
- Bristia Cube
Valerons Protection (Coat)
The magic Accessory the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. Its necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis
Known Uses
Valerons Protection (Leather Armor)
The magic Accessory the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. Its necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis
Valerons Protection (Metal Armor)
The magic Accessory the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. Its necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis
Valerons Protection (Robe)
The magic Accessory the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. Its necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis
Known Uses
Waterdrop of the Sky
The mysterious piece exhaling the fresh air. Can feel the mysterious power.
Sell: 1 Vis
Weapon Exchange Ticket
Used as a crafting material for weapon recipes
Sell: 2 750 Vis
Known Uses
- Strata Devil Crossbow
- Strata Devil Staff
- Strata Devil Blunt
- Strata Devil Bayonet
- Strata Devil Sword
- Strata Devil Lute
- Strata Devil Shotgun
- Strata Devil Cannon
- Strata Devil Slayer
- Strata Devil Sabre
- Strata Devil Main-Gauche
- Strata Devil Dagger
- Strata Devil Polearm
- Strata Devil Shield
- Strata Devil Pistol
- Strata Devil Rapier
- Strata Devil Leg-Guard
- Strata Devil Knuckle
- Strata Devil Bracelet
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Fire
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Ice
- Strata Devil Bracelet of Lightning
- Strata Devil Javelin
- Strata Devil Crescent
- Strata Devil Tonfa
- Strata Devil Hammer
- Strata Devil Controller
- Strata Devil Pendant
- Strata Devil Rosario
- Strata Devil Rod
- Strata Devil Rifle
- Evil Shield
- Angel Bayonet
- Angel Blade
- Angel Bracelet
- Angel Cannon
- Angel Crossbow
- Angel Dagger
- Angel Halberd
- Angel Javelin
- Angel Knuckle
- Angel Leg-guard
- Angel Lute
- Angel Mace
- Angel Rapier
- Angel Revolver
- Angel Rifle
- Angel Rod
- Angel Saber
- Angel Shotgun
- Angel Staff
- Angel Wand
- Angel Zweihander
- Divine Heavy Rifle
- Divine Crossbow
- Divine Staff
- Divine Mace
- Divine Rifle
- Divine Sword
- Divine Lute
- Divine Shotgun
- Divine Cannon
- Divine Slayer
- Divine Sabre
- Divine Main-gauche
- Divine Dagger
- Divine Polearm
- Divine Pistol
- Divine Rapier
- Divine Legguard
- Divine Knuckle
- Divine Elemental Bracelet
- Divine Fire Bracelet
- Divine Ice Bracelet
- Divine Lighting Bracelet
- Divine Javelin
- Divine Crescent
- Divine Tonfa
- Divine Rod
- Divine Broomstick
- Divine MagicBook
- Divine Encyclopedia
- Divine Cube
- Craft of Nash
Weapon Exchange Ticket II
Used as a crafting material for weapon recipes
Sell: 2 750 Vis
Known Uses
- Abyss Cannon [Event]
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Mace [Event]
- Abyss Grimoire [Event]
- Abyss Record Book [Event]
- Abyss Special Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Flame Bracelet [Event]
- Abyss Freezing Bangle [Event]
- Abyss Crescent [Event]
- Abyss Crossbow [Event]
- Abyss Cube [Event]
- Abyss Dagger [Event]
- Abyss Slayer [Event]
- Abyss Craft [Event]
- Abyss Legguard [Event]
- Abyss Lute [Event]
- Abyss Main-gauche [Event]
- Abyss Pistol [Event]
- Abyss Polearm [Event]
- Abyss Rapier [Event]
- Abyss Destruction Rifle [Event]
- Abyss Bayonet [Event]
- Abyss Broomstick [Event]
- Abyss Rod [Event]
- Abyss Sabre [Event]
- Abyss Shield [Event]
- Abyss Shotgun [Event]
- Abyss Wand [Event]
- Abyss Blade [Event]
- Abyss Tonfa [Event]
- Abyss Javelin [Event]
- Abyss Knuckle [Event]
- Armonia Crossbow
- Valeron Dagger
- Valeron Pistol
- Valeron Slayer
- Valeron Crescent
- Valeron Rapier
- Valeron Knuckle
- Valeron Leg-Guard
- Valeron Tonfa
- Valeron Fire Bracelet
- Valeron Lightning Bracelet
- Valeron Ice Bracelet
- Valeron Sword
- Valeron Lute
- Valeron Special Bracelet
- Valeron Polearm
- Valeron Javelin
- Valeron Rod
- Valeron Staff
- Valeron Main-Gauche
- Valeron Crossbow
- Valeron Mace
- Valeron Rifle
- Valeron Cannon
- Valeron Shotgun
- Valeron Saber
- Valeron Shield
- Valeron Magic Scroll
- Valeron Rosario
- Valeron Hammer
- Valeron Controller
- Valeron Pendant
- ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
- ILE-525 Cube
- Abyss Mace
- Abyss Grimore
- Abyss Record Book
- Abyss Cannon
- Abyss Crescent
- Abyss Crossbow
- Abyss Cube
- Abyss Nife
- Abyss Special Bracelet
- Abyss Flame Bracelet
- Abyss Destruction Rifle
- Abyss Freezing Bangle
- Abyss Javelin
- Abyss Knuckle
- Abyss Leg-Guards
- Abyss Lightning Bracelet
- Abyss Lute
- Abyss Main-Gauche
- Abyss Pistol
- Abyss Polearm
- Abyss Rapier
- Abyss Bayonet
- Abyss Broom Stick
- Abyss Rod
- Abyss Sabre
- Abys Shield
- Abyss Shotgun
- Abyss Wand
- Abyss Blade
- Abyss Slayer
- Abyss Tonfa
- Abyss Craft
- Armonia Rosario
- Armonia Controller
- Armonia Pendant
- Armonia Hammer
- Armonia Magic Diary
- Armonia Shield
- Armonia Sabre
- Armonia Shotgun
- Armonia Cannon
- Armonia Rifle
- Armonia Blunt
- Armonia Crossbow
- Armonia Main-gauche
- Armonia Staff
- Armonia Rod
- Armonia Javelin
- Armonia Polearm
- Armonia Elemental Bracelet
- Armonia Lute
- Armonia Sword
- Armonia Ice Bracelet
- Armonia Lightning Bracelet
- Armonia Fire Bracelet
- Armonia Tonfa
- Armonia Leguard
- Armonia Knuckle
- Armonia Rapier
- Armonia Crescent
- Armonia Slayer
- Armonia Pistol
- Armonia Dagger
- Bristia Dagger
- Bristia Pistol
- Bristia Slayer
- Bristia Crescent
- Bristia Rapier
- Bristia Knuckle
- Bristia Leguard
- Bristia Tonfa
- Bristia Fire Bracelet
- Bristia Lightning Bracelet
- Bristia Ice Bracelet
- Bristia Sword
- Bristia Lute
- Bristia Elemental Bracelet
- Bristia Polearm
- Bristia Javelin
- Bristia Rod
- Bristia Staff
- Bristia Main-gauche
- Bristia Crossbow
- Bristia Blunt
- Bristia Rifle
- Bristia Cannon
- Bristia Shotgun
- Bristia Sabre
- Bristia ArmShield
- Bristia Shield
- Bristia Encyclopedia
- Bristia Soldier Diary
- Bristia Cube