Granado Espada

New Era Granado Espada
Based on New Era
Last update

[Click Battle] Item Dealer

it_e_windstone Wind Stone 124,200 Vis
it_e_icestone Ice Stone 124,200 Vis
it_e_firestone Fire Stone 124,200 Vis
it_e_elementalorb Elemental Orb 23 Vis
it_e_magicalorb Magical Orb 23 Vis
it_e_toolsetbox Toolset Box 54 Vis
it_e_ressurrectivepotion Resurrect Potion 720 Vis
it_e_mitridart Mithridart 90 Vis
it_e_soulfiller SP Increase Potion 500 1 Vis
it_e_healthfiller HP Increase Potion 5000 1 Vis
it_e_soulfiller Enhance Soul-Filler 3,600 Vis
it_e_healthfiller Health-Generator 7,200 Vis
it_e_box2 Supplies 45,000 Vis
it_e_tortoisepowder GunPowder 18,000 Vis
it_e_reddye Poison 90,000 Vis
it_e_chalcedony Shiny Ore 25,200 Vis
it_e_bottle Healing Potion 90,000 Vis
it_e_soulfiller Transparency Detection Potion 45,000 Vis
it_e_battleflag Flag of the Battlefield 1,800,000 Vis
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